Media Overview
The media industry is undergoing a historic transformation. Companies are introducing a myriad of new content delivery services at an unprecedented rate. TV, smartphone, and tablet technologies are improving rapidly as costs plummet and devices proliferate. Advances in WAN and wireless technologies are fueling more connectivity at faster bandwidth speeds. Social media capabilities are changing the way we organize into communities and communicate with one another.
While big data solutions have made inroads, many companies continue to struggle with data integration concerns and cultural acceptance. Audiences are fragmenting as people modify their viewing behavior in response to new services and platform options. Programmers are searching to compete in a marketplace drastically different from that of just a few years ago. Advertisers are struggling to adjust their product marketing mix in a timely manner, incorporate an expanding array of consumption metrics, and measure the ROI of their media budgets.
In this constantly shifting media landscape, clients turn to MSA Media for help in addressing their strategic business challenges. Our goal is to bring embedded analytics to bear on our clients’ growing sea of disparate and unstructured data, identify actionable intelligence, automate business operations, and provide a strong foundation for future growth. We are leveraging the benefits of cloud-based computing to reduce the time required to deliver value to clients, lower costs, take advantage of new component technologies, and lessen device dependencies.
Allocating commercial inventory across a broad array of media can be very challenging to ad agencies. Alex® is capable of rapidly allocating and optimizing millions of ad sales dollars across multiple types of media; including national broadcast, national cable, and syndication.
Dynamic Scheduler
With the complexity of scheduling programming and associated advertising for national cable networks, the Dynamic Scheduler provides real-time scheduling of programs, episodes, and deals. Networks can optimize their use of their inventory, and adjust to last minute changes.
EDI Services
@media EDI ServicesSM provides solutions for cable, broadcast, and radio networks regardless of which Traffic and Billing system is used. @media provides the assurance that all aspects of your data provision with the agencies – including translation, transmission, resolution assistance, and audits, are well handled.
Embedded Analytics
MSA provides analytic solutions to address many aspects of the content delivery and advertising allocation and delivery process. Our embedded analytics solutions address many areas of operations in easy-to-use and powerful applications.
Maximizing the efficiency of advertising placement can be done at the last moment. EyeMax® maximizes client revenue by analyzing each deal’s audience delivery and automatically adjusting unit placement just prior to air, while continuing to respect advertisers’ constraints.
Gabriel® was the first Ad Sales, Traffic, and Billing solution designed specifically for the national cable industry, and has gone on to become the leading software system for the cable network industry.
Post Buy Service
Our Post Buy system reports actual audience delivery of nationally aired commercials at the unit level, and calculates total audience delivery for a deal to compare against the contracted guarantee. Reports are provided to nearly every cable television network and other media inventory aggregators.
The foundation of a media plan involves the development of a reasonably accurate audience forecast. Our Audience Projections system addresses many of audience forecasting’s most challenging issues and allows our clients to significantly streamline their resulting business operations.
Under and over delivery of television audiences leaves television networks working to adhere to the terms of their agreements. MSA’s Stewardship application provides the networks with the means to adjust to meet their contractual requirements with their advertisers.